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Title: Mykola Rudenko’s novel-treatise “Formula of the Sun”
Other Titles: Антимарксистська полеміка в романі-трактаті Миколи Руденка
Authors: Logvynenkо, Yulia
Логвиненко, Юлія
Mazurenko, Volodymyr
Мазуренко, Володимир
Sytnyk, Larysa
Ситник, Лариса
Bilyk, Nadiia
Білик, Надія
Keywords: Karl Marx
Карл Маркс
Mykola Rudenko
Микола Руденко
political economy
політична економія
physical economy
фізична економія
Issue Year: 2024
Publisher: Revista Amazonia Investiga
Citation: Logvynenkо Y., MazurenkoV., Sytnyk L., Bilyk N. Anti-marxist polemics in Mykola Rudenko’s novel-treatise “Formula of the Sun”. Revista Amazonia Investiga. Volume 13 - Issue 75. Marth 2024.
Abstract: The research conducted by the Sumy branch of the Serhii Podolynskyi Scientific Society delves into the distinctive artistic legacy of the renowned Ukrainian writer Mykola Rudenko. This study sheds light on Rudenko's integration of ideas from the Ukrainian school of physical economy, which stood in stark contrast to Karl Marx's political economy. Mykola Rudenko, known for his literary prowess, often employed his fictional works to propagate his scientific, economic, and philosophical theories. The treatise “Formula of the Sun”, despite its limited recognition in 20th-century Ukrainian literature, holds a distinct place deserving comprehensive exploration. This novel not only showcases Rudenko's literary craftsmanship but also provides a platform for dissecting the literary discourse of the time. Through a combination of structural, narrative, and polemical elements, Rudenko articulates his worldview within the framework of physical economy.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра соціально-гуманітарної освіти

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